Information Technology and Systems 2016
The 40th Interdisciplinary Conference & School
September, 25-30, Repino, St. Petersburg, Russia

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Invited Speakers of ITaS and Co-located Events

ITaS participants will have an opportunity to attend the talks of all invited speakers.

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Mathematics and Physics
Alexandr Holevo (Steklov Mathematical Institute, Russia)
The classical capacity of quantum channels
Chill-out. Wednesday, September 28, 9:00 - 10:00

The quantum information theory studies transmission, transformation and storage of data in systems governed by the laws of quantum physics. One of the greatest achievements of this theory is the introduction and thorough investigation of the notion of quantum communication channel, which led to the development of structure theory and discovery of a whole range of entropy quantities to characterize information capacity of communication channels. We focus on the capacity of the quantum channel to transmit classical information, which provides a bridge between the classical and quantum theories and is particularly well suited for a smooth classical-quantum transition. On the other hand, this topic, one of the earliest and probably most mature parts of the quantum Shannon theory, is still under active development. We will cover some of the latest developments as well as intriguing open questions.


Graduated from the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology in 1966, dyploma in «Applied mathematics and computer science». From 1969 works in the Steklov Mathematical Institute, Moscow. Candidate of phys-math sciences — 1969, Doctor of of phys-math sciences — 1975, Professor — 1986. List of publications contains nearly 190 titles including five monographs, four of them translated into English and published by the leading foreign Publishing houses (AMS, North Holland, Springer-Verlag). Awards: A. A. Markov Prize, Russian Academy of Sciences for the series of works on the noncommutative probability theory — 1997; Awards of the Russian Academy of Sciences for the best research achievements in 1992, 1995, 2008; International «Quantum Communication Award» — 1996; A. von Humboldt Research Award — 1999; Claude E. Shannon Award 2016. Invited speaker at the International Congresses of Mathematicians — Berkeley (1986), Madrid (2006), and many other international and national conferences. Member of the Editorial boards of the journals: «Theory of probability and its applications», «Russian mathematical surveys (Uspekhi)», «Sbornik:mathematics», «Theoretical and mathematical physics», «Izvestiya vuzov: Mathematics», «IEEE Transactions on Information Theory», «Quantum Information Processing», «Reports on Mathematical Physics».

Evgeny Kruk (Saint-Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation, Russia)
Coding Cryptography
Chill-out. Monday, September 26, 9:00 - 10:00

Cryptographic algorithms based on error-correcting codes are considered. Code-based public-key cryptosystems, digital signature schemes, authentication and secret sharing tasks are discussed. Application perspectives of code-based schemes in post-quantum cryptography, lightweigt cryptography systems, secure multi-party computations are considered.


Professor Eugene A. Krouk graduated from Leningrad Institute of Aviation Instrumentation in 1973. He received Ph.D. degree in 1978 and Doctor of Science degree in 1999. He received the academic status of Associate Professor in 1990 and status of Professor in 2004. From 1974 till now he works in Saint-Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation. In 2001 the Systems Security Department was developed with active participation of Krouk E.A., and he became the head of this Department from the moment of its creation. In 2005 Krouk was elected as Dean of the Information Systems and Data Protection Faculty. From 2004 he is also the Director of the Computer Security Institute. From 2007 he is the Chair of ICT Academy. In 2008 Krouk obtained the title Honoured Scientist of Russian Federation. Professor Krouk is an outstanding scientist in the field of theory and designing of infocommunication systems and technologies. His works in coding theory, cryptography, data communication theory are known both in Russia and abroad. He is an author of more than 120 printed works and 5 books.

Mathematics and Physics
Sergei Nechaev (P.N. Lebedev Physical Institute, Russia)
Non-Euclidean geometry in nature
Chill-out. Thursday, September 29, 11:30 - 12:30

A typical (non-smooth) lettuce leaf shape is determined by the fact that the surface whose boundary is growing faster than the distance from its center, has "not enough space" in the plane, and growing material goes into the third dimension. We consider the question of "optimal" embedding in the three-dimensional space of exponentially growing structure and show how the conformal methods can help to define the concept of "optimality", and to find the appropriate profile. It turns out that the form of the optimal surface satisfies the eikonal equation, which is the solution of the Hamilton-Jacobi equations for the problem of geometrical optics. The story will be accompanied by experimental demonstration.


Sergej Nechaev is a Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Senior Research Fellow at Department of Mathematical Physics of the P.N. Lebedev Physical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow; Directeur de Recherche au CNRS (CNRS - National Centre for Scientific Research) Universite Paris-Sud, Orsay, France.

Yuri Panchin (IITP RAS, Russia)
Long palindromic protein-coding sequences: hairpins in hairworms
Chill-out. Tuesday, September 27, 11:30 - 12:30

A palindromic sequence is a nucleic acid sequence that is equal to its reverse complement, and is thus capable of forming a hairpin. Here we describe a number of unusual perfect palindromes of substantial length (up to ~250bp) embedded within protein-coding mitochondrial sequences of Nematomorpha. Palindrome-encoded amino-acid sequences were found and experimentally confirmed in seven mitochondrial genes and in four out of four analyzed species of Nematomorpha. They are evolutionary conserved suggesting that selection acted on the preservation of protein amino acid sequence and palindromes simultaneously. Even more surprising: some protein-coding sequences contain two extensive overlapping palindromes. To our knowledge, nothing similar has been observed before in any sequenced mitochondrial or nuclear genome. Our findings suggest the existence of a novel, yet unknown molecular mechanism for genomic regulation in Metazoa.


Yuri V. Panchin, Ph.D., Dr.Sc., Head for Laboratory #12 IITP RAS- “Information processing on cellular and molecular level”. He is also working at Moscow State University A.N. Belozersky Institute Of Physico-Chemical Biology. He has published more than 100 papers in peer-review journals on neuroscience, developmental biology, molecular biology, physiology and bioinformatics.

Future Internet
Andrey Turlikov (Saint-Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation, Russia)
Random multiple channel access for Internet of Things
Chill-out. Thursday, September 29, 10:00 - 11:00

We characterize the scenarios of massive machine type communications as well as ultra-reliable and low latency communications in connection to the Internet of Things. Known approaches are described, which are utilized in 4G networks and are expected to be used in 5G networks to accommodate massive machine type communications scenarios. We introduce a corresponding model for the considered random multiple access system. It is shown that known approaches do not guarantee stable operation of the system within the framework of this model. We propose alternative approaches that allow to stabilize the system operation. Some problems related to the utilization of the alternative approaches are described and possible mitigation solutions are offered.


Andrey Turlikov is a Full Professor and the Head of the Department of Information and Communication Systems at St. Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation (SUAI). Over the 30 years of experience in the area of telecommunications, he has supervised more than 120 diploma projects and M.Sc. theses in total, as well as 8 successful Ph.D. theses. Recently, he has participated in and supervised over 10 successful long-term research projects, focusing on the next-generation telecommunications technologies (3GPP LTE-Advanced, IEEE 802.16m, prominent IEEE 802.11-based solutions). His primary targets are energy efficiency improvement, collaborative techniques, heterogeneous networking, and support for advanced services towards standardization in IEEE, as well as energy-efficient schemes for Long Term HSPA Evolution (LTHE).

Andrey Tsaturyan (MSU, Russia)
Muscle molecular mechanics: a complex system and simple tasks
Chill-out. Monday, September 26, 11:30 - 12:30

Muscle performs mechanical work by direct conversion of chemical energy with an efficiency that exceed those of widely used chemical engines. Not only muscle contraction itself, but also its regulation is closely linked with molecular mechanical processes. In the lecture examples of simple mathematical models designed to understand the links will be given. One model helps to explain why the dependence of the force developed by the muscle from calcium ions is so steep and how why it depends on the mechanical properties of regulatory proteins. Another model suggests a mechanism of influence of mechanical conditions, i.e. on exercised or, conversely, muscle disuse on gene expression of sarcomeric proteins.


Tsaturyan Andrey Kimovich graduated from mechanical-mathematical faculty of Moscow state University. Senior researcher of the Department of fluid mechanics (2014), doctor of physical and mathematical Sciences (2003). Leading researcher of the Institute of mechanics of Moscow state University (1977). Member of the Russian national Committee on theoretical and applied mechanics (1987) and the World council for biomechanics (2006). Member of dissertation councils on mechanics (2011) and Biophysics at Moscow state University. Member of the editorial Board of the journal "Russian Journal of Biomechanics" (2014). Member of expert Council of VAK on mathematics and mechanics. The author of over 65 articles in peer-reviewed journals. Under the leadership of A. K. Tsaturyan protected 6 Ph.D. theses, two of his students defended their doctoral dissertations. Reads a special course "Introduction to biomechanics" (with A. Stein). Supervises the research work of undergraduate and graduate students. Participates in the preparation of teaching materials in biomechanics.

Varvara Vedenina (IITP RAS, Russia)
The fruitless gene - one of the "hotspot" genes that determine evolution of mating signals in insects
Chill-out. Tuesday, September 27, 12:30 - 13:30

“Hotspot” genes are those genes that are able to incur a disproportionate number of evolutionary important mutations, namely, mutations that cause a large enough phenotypic change for selection to act upon. It is suggested that such hotspot genes contribute disproportionately to the evolution of differences between species at early stages of speciation. One of the hotspot genes is the fruitless gene in drosophila, which is originally described as a transcription factor gene and which controls sex differentiation, development of species-specific morphology, and mating behaviour in males. We will present recent research on the fruitless gene in D. melanogaster in the context of its relation to the mating behaviour in drosophila, and our own results on the fruitless gene in sibling species of grasshoppers.


Varvara Yu. Vedenina is a Dr. of biological sciences, head of the laboratory of sensory information processing at the Kharkevich Institute for Information Transmission Problems, Russian Academy of Sciences. Research interests include following topics: Insects, Orthoptera, Drosophila, acoustic communication, processing of sensory information in nervous system, courtship behaviour, inheritance of behaviour, sexual selection, speciation, hybrid zones, molecular phylogeny

Sergey Andreev (Tampere University of Technology (TUT), Finland)
Leveraging Heterogeneous Connectivity in Converged 5G-IoT Ecosystem
Chill-out. Tuesday, September 27, 9:00 - 10:00

In this talk, we comprehensively review the landscape of heterogeneous multi-radio connectivity at the intersection of the 5G and the IoT realms. We explore the potential of a wide range of devices requiring connectivity at different scales (macro, micro, pico, femto, etc.) and across diverse radio access technologies (e.g., cellular and WLAN) to augment system capacity and improve connectivity experience in next-generation heterogeneous deployments. Further, we discuss the emerging concept of proximate device-to- device communication and the changes it introduces to the conventional networking paradigm. We also address the unique challenges posed recently by an impressive variety of machine- type devices, with their characteristic stringent performance requirements, and the capabilities that both short- and long-range radio technologies would need to develop for accommodating those.


Dr. Sergey Andreev is Senior Research Scientist at Tampere University of Technology (Finland), where he is coordinating W.I.N.T.E.R. Group ( focusing on 5G and IoT centric research. He has (co-)authored over 100 papers (including those in IEEE JSAC, IEEE Communications Magazine, and IEEE Wireless Communications), several patents, and a number of IEEE and 3GPP standardization contributions in the areas of multi-radio heterogeneous networking, cooperative and proximate communications, energy efficiency, and machine-to- machine applications. This innovation activity has been well covered in media on both national and international levels. Sergey has been reviewer for numerous visible conferences and top-level international journals; he was named Exemplary Reviewer by IEEE Communications Letters in 2013. He has also been invited expert at a number of workshops, held many guest lectures at industry and academia worldwide, as well as acted as a keynote speaker. Recently, he has been recipient of highly competitive personal research grant by the Academy of Finland (9% success rate), as well as several other prestigious scholarships and awards.

Mathematics and Physics
Anatoly Vershik (St. Petersburg Department of Steklov Institute of Mathematics, Russia)
The Shannon-Kolmogorov entropy of dynamical systems: some history and new ideas
Chill-out. Wednesday, September 28, 10:00 - 11:00

To be announced.


Anatoly Moiseevich Vershik is a Russian mathematician, doctor of physico-mathematical Sciences, chief researcher of the St. Petersburg branch of Mathematical Institute named V. A. Steklov, President of St. Petersburg mathematical society from 1998 to 2008. Member of the European Academy of Sciences (2015). Vershik is the author of over 250 scientific papers and many popular articles on mathematics and its applications. The author of many journalistic articles on science and society.

Ananin Artem Andreevich (National Instruments Academic program)
5G: Communications of Tomorrow – Engineers’ Work Today
Chill-out. Tuesday, September 27, 10:00 - 11:00

5G, the next generation wireless, is to be deployed by 2020. World telecommunications leaders invest heavily in research, development and standardization of new technologies. Leading universities actively research different concepts. Why is it so important? What does it mean for consumers and IoT? What new requirements does it bring to vendors and operators? What ideas are now competing to become true 5G technology? How to prepare yourself for the standard which is not there yet? National Instruments, leader in communications system design, prototyping and test, delivers overview of challenges, research works, successes and perspectives on the way to the future of communications.


Educational and research projects manager in Russia. Working with top Russian National Research Universities, Federal Universities, MSU, SPbSU. Working with Russian Academic Excellence Project "5-100" ( Co-organizer International Siberian Conference on Control and Communications SIBCON (working with IEEE) Coordinator NI - WorldSkills collaboration in Russia (skill: 23 - Mobile Robotics, 16 - Electronics)

Future Internet
Victor Zyablov (IITP RAS, Russia)
Broadcasting and multi-access for next generation wireless networks
Chill-out. Thursday, September 29, 9:00 - 10:00

In this paper we consider broadcasting and multiaccess technique for next generation cellular networks as well as for unstructured peer-to-peer networks. Under term ’broadcasting’ we take in mind information distribution to multiple mobiles by means of joint codeword while information part of the codeword may carry different data to mobiles using overhead information.


Zyablov Victor Vasil'evich is a Ph.D., Dr. Sci., associate professor, head of laboratory #3 - transmission, protection and analysis of information, Institute for Information Transmission Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Kharkevich Institute) (IITP RAS). Research interests: coding theory.

Data Science
Vladimir Spokoiny (Weierstrass Institute for Applied Analysis and Stochastics, Germany)
Clustering using adaptive weights
Chill-out. Monday, September 26, 10:00 - 11:00

The paper discusses a new method of unsupervised learning for high dimensional data based on the idea of adaptive weights from Polzehl and Spokoiny (2000). The procedure recovers the unknown clustering structure without any prior information about the number of clusters, their size, distance between clusters, etc. The approach extends the popular k-mean and density based clustering procedures by using dynamically updated local weights. Theoretical results describe two major features of the method: propagation within a homogeneous region and separation between two different regions. Numerical results show state-of-art performance of the new procedure.


Vladimir Spokoiny is a full professor in Humbolt University in Berlin Head of the research group "Stochastic Algorithms and Nonparametric Statistics" of the Weierstrass Institute for Applied Analysis and Stochastics, professor in Moscow Institute of Physic and Technology. Graduated from Moscow Institute of Railway Engineering, Department of Technical Cybernetics, Moscow, Russia. Head of Laboratory of Structural Methods of Data Analysis in Predictive Modeling Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology. Author of a numerous articles in mathematical statistic.

Andrew Mironov and Mikhail Gelfand (IITP RAS, Russia)
Spatial structure and functional state of DNA in a cell.
Chill-out. Monday, September 26, 12:30 - 13:30

DNA is the same in all cells of the body (except for the rare individual exceptions arising from mutations), but the cells are different, and they form various tissues and organs. This is due to the fact that different cells different genes are expressed. This, in turn, depends on the work of the special proteins-activators and repressors, reversible binding with DNA, and the state of chromatin (DNA and associated histones – special structural proteins). The state of chromatin is determined by reversible chemical modifications of histones (so-called epigenetic markings), and the spatial structure of DNA. The gene expression, packaging of chromatin and epigenetic marking are closely related to each other. On the other hand, epigenetic marking of the genome can be inherited, and the spatial structure of the genome is basically the same in humans and mice. New experimental techniques generate large amounts of data about gene expression, spatial structure and epigenetic state of all genome sites. A comparative analysis of such data allows us to consider the work of the whole cell, to compare different cells, build a model describing the interdependence between the three levels of genome organization, as well as to study the relationship between spatial structure and evolution of the genome.


Andrew Mironov.
Andrew Mironov is a doctor of biological Sciences, Professor of faculty of bioengineering and bioinformatics of Moscow state University, leading researcher at the Educational-Scientific center "Bioinformatics" of Institute for Information Transmission Problems, Russian Academy of Sciences. Laureate of the prize named after A. A. Baev for the cycle of works "Computer comparative genomics". The winner of the award for the best publication in Russian scientific journals for 2005 (IAPC "Nauka") for the cycle of works on bioinformatics in the journal "Molecular biology."

Mikhail Gelfand.
Mikhail Gelfand is a doctor of biological Sciences, candidate of physico-mathematical Sciences, Professor of faculty of bioengineering and bioinformatics, Moscow state University, member of the European Academy, Deputy Director of the Institute of information transmission problems, Russian Academy of Sciences. A member of the Public Council under the Ministry of education and science of the Russian Federation.